C-Force BioTech X Hong Kong International Medical and Healthcare Fair 2021

C-Force BioTech X 香港國際醫療及保健展2021-滅毒除菌產品
⁣⁣剛剛繼大型餐飲業展覽HOFEX後,C-Force Biotech再接再厲參與年度國際醫護展並於較早前圓滿結束!
C-Force BioTech X 香港國際醫療及保健展2021-滅毒除菌產品
During the exhibition, C-Force BioTech had the honor to contact and communicate with a group of frontline medical staff, medical institutions and platforms, and understand their most immediate concerns.⁣⁣C-Force BioTech X 香港國際醫療及保健展2021-滅毒除菌產品
Coexisting with viruses is a general trend, and C-Force Biotech Apparel uniforms equipped with antivirus technology will definitely bring more protection to medical staff and service personnel! Sincere thanks to everyone from all walks of life who have contacted us at the exhibition, we will work hard to meet the needs of frontline personnel and strive to improve!